A media specialist who got lost in marketing a few years back.

I fell in love with video editing and producing in college while working at the campus television station. It combined nicely with my passion for sports and I made a real run at being the next Erin Andrews by breaking in as the first female sports reporter for STV. My junior year I headed to Australia to study abroad and learn about sports broadcasting in a foreign country. Upon my return to frigid Wisconsin I became an intern for the sports department at WAOW in Wausau. I loved my time there, but the real world called my name and couldn't be ignored much longer. Loaded down with student debt, I took a job as a marketing assistant at a local bank "For Now".  "For Now" turned into seven years. Promotions and pay increases convinced me to stay longer than I should have. And somewhere along the line I became a marketing professional.

Seven years of marketing taught me valuable skills that are useful in any position. I can manage all aspects of a project, from initial planning all the way down to executing the most mundane task. I learned Adobe Creative Suite. My writing dramatically improved. As did my time management skills.And I learned to take a small kernel of idea into a full fledged creative marketing campaign. When you work in a small marketing department for a booming business, you tend to take on many roles that go beyond marketing.

I moved from marketing for a bank to marketing for television news. Each day I take the top stories and create snazzy 15 second promos aimed to reel the viewers in to our news. Being averse to politics, I joined "the political station" of a liberal town during a recall election. I've stretched the limits of my political knowledge beyond recognition. I'm also asked to create a lot of contest promos out of nothing...literally....no video, no pictures, nothing. I've definitely advanced my Photoshop and After Effects skills. Take a peek at my reel...it's all written, edited and produced by me.

What's next? I don't know. But I'm always up for a challenge.